
公司今年尾牙 在京華城10樓的避風塘

今年小麥發下豪語 要把葛大撂倒  開席後沒多久 先讓小麥喝了酒 壯壯她的膽 就拖著葛大 從這桌喝到那桌 喝了三杯滿滿 VSOP 總算把葛大灌醉~

還沒吃飽就開始抽獎 呵~ 呵~ 今天運氣不賴 抽中兩個獎~ 共9000元入荷~ 謝謝小麥的好運手~ 這個月信用卡費有著落了~

小麥今年也成功的拱了瘋狗 但沒人緣的人也同樣沒品 滿場髒話不斷

套句 Raymond 的話 "我們今天聽了一整年份的髒話" 不只髒話 還衝上去拉小麥的頭髮 對所有人大呼小叫 還恐嚇強納生~ 真是難看到了一個極致~太可惜艾爸爸不能出席

葛大喝茫的反應 超有趣 說話語無倫次 大家都不知道他在講什麼 

一個一個點名~ 還叫我站起來 " I told you, I will not let you go, and I know you will stay, rite? " 媽哩...當著所有人的面問我  真是超尷尬 啊~

結果抓著每個人一直講 一直講 超多話講 還一直亂抱~小麥還衝上去 把他的豆腐從頭到腳吃乾抹淨 厚~ 真是夠本了~ 好精彩的尾牙啊~ 比去年好玩太多了~ 葛大還大放送小麥一台筆電 希望他酒醒後還記得補給小麥

大家見狀況不對 趁亂趕快撤 我一不小心被他抓住說 " a silent message"

" I want you to know I care about you, and I will not let you go, Jonathan told me about the medical problem. I want you to know that I will always be supportive to you.

Plase let me know if there's anything I can help, and you know my number, rite? Just call me for anything you need, I will always be there for you."

"Please take care of yourself, please do. Cause I do care about you." 布拉布拉的~


在KTV又被他抓住 他不停的說 "You will stay? " " I will not let you go" "I told you last time, whenever you wanna leave, talk to me directly, not through Jonathan" "I care about you, everyone of you in FW" "See~ I know everyone's name and I care of you, I don't care what other people think about me, I am just doing my own way, and the company is still here and keep on moving! See~ it works!"

" You must take care of yourself, because I care about you."

我不停跟他說 我有事一定會打給他 還給我魯小小 " NO, you won't call, you have my number rite? Call me now~ Call me!" 啊我把他電話留在分機板上咩...啊..居然露出一副" 我就知道妳沒有我電話號碼 ~妳也不會打給我"的臉

" I told you to talk to me directly, not through Jonathan. Will you stay? I don't wanna let you go. But if it's not the mecial issue but you use it as an excuse, you must let me know." 我起肖啊...我就是想不出怎麼跟他解釋 才會搬出這種"生病"的理由來辭職嘛~ 居然還叫我講實話 嗟~

葛大喝醉了 說了很多話 他的手很大 抓著我的手 我的左半邊沾了他的味道 

甚至聽到他問查理 "Jonathan will stay?" 之類的話  他應該真的不開心吧~

雖然我始終不明白 我又不是大股東 又沒有資金在這裡 壓根無關緊要的人

為什麼他那麼在意...啊~ 有錢 什麼人才請不到 對不?

說不感動是假的 但米小吉說的對 為了人情而留下 實在不是好事

只會讓自己後悔 這種後悔的感覺我去年12月已經經歷過了~ 不想再來一次

太感謝小麥 犧牲自己把今年的尾牙辦有趣又熱鬧 也讓我們看到葛大的另一面~

在我離開之前 這是個大美好的回憶~


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